This morning I woke up and checked my email, and to my surprise I had an Email from a Ms. Jaclyn Kress of Inner Tube Tv!!!! What is Inner Tube TV, you may ask. Well, according to their site, "Imagine a viral innovative on-line Video News Magazine show in the genre of Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight with an edgy feel like TMZ and The Soup.
Innertubetv will be there to catch the rising stars of You Tube & Social Media!"
She informed that she had been to my site and loved what I was doing with my music and everything about me. And also that she wanted to interview me for the sites FEATURED ARTIST section. So be looking out for that interview soon!!! So I visited there site and it is a well put together site that I think will be great!!!! And I was even more excited to see myself alongside other artist on THE BUZZ section!!!! Amazing!!!!
The older video they have featuring my song The Rebel from my Chasing Dreams Mixtape doesn't really reflect my new music sound, but uh-ummm, me and C. Mack are working on that RIGHT NOW.
Shouts go out to Innertube tv and Ms. Kress!!! Thank you all and I look forward to the INTERVIEW!!! Stay Tuned!!!!
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